Milk or Mylk?

Making the change to plant based Mylk is simple, it is nutritious, delicious and easy to make at home.

More and more people are looking for alternatives to dairy, either through making a life choice for health reasons or in support of reducing the demand of the animal industry for the protection of animals. By learning more and more every day of the connection that dairy milk has with our health and wellness, people are able to make a more informed decision as to what choice to make.

Looking at some of the recent facts about milk consumption, and the connection to our own health and wellness, we learn that despite the industry hype that we need dairy for its calcium to build strong bones, the evidence points in the other direction.

In the western world where dairy is highly consumed, the evidence actually shows the highest levels of osteoporosis (brittle bones) in the world. In other parts of the world where people eat little or no dairy and obtain calcium from plant sources, levels of osteoporosis are low.

There are so many healthy plant sources of calcium, such as green leafy vegetables, sesame and other seed and nuts as well as pulses such as soya, peas, beans and lentils. Tahini, hummus and tofu are also wonderful additions. Calcium obtained from these plant and nut based options are also easy for the body to absorb and store.

Supermarket shelves are stocked high with plant and nut based Mylks due to the increased demand.

Some of the most popular Mylks are Almond, Soya and Coconut, though the range expands even further into Rice, Macadamia, Cashew and Oat to name a few.

Almond and Soya Mylk are just two that are delicious as an alternative in a morning Latte as well as a step change at breakfast over homemade muesli with fresh fruits.

Homemade nut Mylk is delicious, cost effective and very fast to make, try this simple version to get you started.

(Did you know, the spelling of Mylk is now more popularly used as a description for non dairy milk)


Cashew Mylk

125g cashews soaked over night in filtered water

500ml filtered water (ratio of 4 to 1 to the nuts)

Organic cinnamon powder

High speed blender



  • Rinse the soaked nuts and add to the blender
  • Add the filtered water
  • Add a few shakes of the cinnamon powder and blitz on high speed for a minute.
  • When blitzed you can either strain through a nut bag into a glass bottle or leave it unstrained and store in the fridge.

Consume within 3 days.