Hemp seeds for health

Hemp seed products and hemp based recipes are certainly very much on trend at the moment.

Magazine articles, health food shops and even commercially made cereal bars and cereals are all promoting this latest superfood.

Though what are hemp seeds and why are they so nutritious? 

Hemp seeds contain the highest levels of a powerful plant based protein and also contain essential fatty acids, amino acids and Omega 3 and Omega 6.

Including these delicious nutty seeds in your daily diet will help support the reduction of inflammation in the body which impacts disease and poor health, as well as increasing energy and immunity.

A healthy immune system provides defences in the body to ward off infection, illness and disease.  This is essential in building a healthy mind and body.

Just 1 tablespoon per day is all that is needed and can easily be added to your diet. Look for organic hemp seeds which can be found in any reputable health food store. You may like to sprinkle them over your morning fruit and muesli or add to a healthy smoothie. Hemp seeds can be added to so many other recipes such as a nutty coating for homemade power balls, falafels or included in a chia seed pudding for a sweet and healthy dessert.

You may like to try one of my favourite breakfast recipes which contains these delicious seeds and can be prepared very quickly the night before. My super seed bircher recipe is packed full of nutritious goodness including chia, flax, hemp, and sunflower seeds. This recipe makes a filling and wonderful alternative to commercially made cereal and is also amazing if you need a very healthy breakfast on the run.