Boosting your Immunity

A strong immune system will help keep you healthy and one step ahead in the prevention of colds, flu and viruses.

Research also shows people who are healthy and have a strong immune system will overcome illnesses faster with a shorter period of recovery too.

The immune system helps to protect from viruses, bacteria and different organisms that attack the body. An army of cells play a vital role by defending the body whilst having the ability to remember foreign substances, and organisms, which in turn creates antibodies that offer protection against future attacks.

A number of nutrients are key to supporting the body with a strong immunity, including zinc, iron, vitamin A, C and E and selenium.

Brightly coloured fruit and vegetables such as carrots, blueberries, and sweet potatoes help by reducing inflammation and therefore preventing immune cells from destructive free radicals.

Inflammation is the bodies response to something that is harmful to the body, therefore is essential to protect us from infection and injury.

Inflammation can be good and bad for the body, for example with a cut to the finger the immune system will signal white blood cells to fight any potential infections showing in redness, pain and swelling.

Inflammation can also be detrimental to the body, poor lifestyle choices, stress, smoking, and a poor diet, are just a few examples.

There are lots of things you can do to build a healthy and strong immunity system which really start with a healthy diet eating foods that contain essential vitamins and minerals.

Exercise is also very important to achieve an overall healthy lifestyle by aiming to exercise everyday will not only make you feel great; it is medically proven to increase endorphins creating that feel good factor.


Which foods are the best for a strong immunity?

 Below are just a few to get you started, remembering bright colours are best and rich in essential vitamin C.

Vitamin C is one of the biggest immune boosters, and found in the foods below too.


  • Turmeric


  •  Broccoli, sweet potatoes and spinach, kale, garlic, ginger


  • Oranges, kiwi, blueberries, strawberries, grapefruit, tangerines


  • Green

Nuts and seeds

  •  Sunflower seeds, Almonds

To support a healthy immune system lifestyle is essential too:

  • Avoid smoking
  • Exercise regularly
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Get enough sleep, most people need 7/8 hours and at regular times for a healthy sleep and waking pattern
  • Minimise stress and anxiety, both Yoga and Mediation are proven to reduce stress by calming the mind and central nervous system.
  • Avoid or drink alcohol in moderation