Yin, Deep
A deep and relaxing stretching class, postures are held longer for between 2-5 minutes, allowing the muscles, fascia, tendons and ligaments to stretch and release.
Yang, Hatha flow
A class designed to be as one with the body as you move through flowing sequences, postures and breath work to build strength, balance and overall fitness.
Yang & Yin, Core & Deep, Flexibility
A combination of feeling moved and feeling chilled, the first half of the class is based on mindful movement improving flexibility and balance and ending with stretching, relaxation and meditation.
Core strength, Balance
Improving strength, flexibility and stability through a series of postures, sequences and movement.
Energetic, Stamina
An uplifting more challenging and energised class to improve strength and flexibility.
6 week program
New to yoga? Then join my 6 week program which will teach you the basics of yoga, pranayama and meditation. At the end of the program you will be equipped with the confidence and knowledge to undertake your own yoga and meditation practice at home as well attending more advanced classes with confidence.
Meditation classes
A wide range of meditation classes are offered from mindfulness and awareness to guided imagery. Regular classes and practice is proven to reduce stress, improving concentration, enhancing creativity and providing an overall feeling of clarity and wellbeing.

The body needs exercise to stay healthy,
the mind needs stillness.Yoga Instructor