Digital detox?

Time to break up with your mobile devices just for a short time?

A New Year may be just the time you need to re-evaluate what is really important to you in your life. It is often time to let go of things that do not serve you, or may be impacting you with or without your awareness.

We spend so much of our waking day fixed to our devices, time slipping through our fingers and often feeling anxious, depressed or annoyed with how we feel afterwards. Take a moment to reflect on your own usage, be honest; how much of your day are you spending on your devices? Social media, online shopping, surfing the internet, computer games? If you feel you or maybe someone you know could do with a digital detox, this may be just the time to make a healthy change, so read on.

What research shows

Research shows over 60% of people admit to being addicted to their devices which often results in lower levels of personal health and mental well-being.

Other effects and issues that have been associated with social media usage:

Low self esteem

Anxiety and depression

Neck and back pain including headaches

Fear of missing out

Poor sleep patterns

Weight gain

Decreased exercise

Unhealthy eating habits

Mindless eating

Impact on Relationships

Low productivity

Financial worries

Loss of time awareness

With all this in mind let’s look at some ways to make a change to lessen the grip excess social media may have on you and start to see the benefits that researchers have seen over many studies.

Tips to get you started

Turn off notifications on your devices

You may want to delete one or all of your social media platforms even for a month

Leave your devices out of the bedroom at night

Create a no phone zone such as at meal times, or date nights with your partner

Charge your devices out of sight in a different room to avoid temptation

Set an ‘offline rule’ for your device usage such as 8pm at night and 7am in the morning – (this also helps with your sleep cycles decreasing stimulation before retiring to bed)

Use an App that monitors your usage aiming to decrease it weekly

Let your friends and family know you are detoxing your device use to let them know your be less available

Plan to fill the time you are detoxing from your devices, start exercising, visit friends, or do something you normally can’t find time for.

Write a detox diary noting how you feel, the highs and lows and outcomes

If social media is your main drain reflect if it would be a good exercise to come off the platform for a set time, a few hours, or a few days then reflect how that makes you feel? The impact could be the start to help you feel better over time. Every scroll or click sends a hit of dopamine to the brain, the same area that responds to addictive or dangerous drugs. This is where we can become addicted by having that initial feel good factor.

And the benefits for detoxing ? Here’s a few

Lower stress levels

Decreased anxiety and depression

Reduced neck/shoulder/back pain

Improved sleep patterns

Increased productivity and time availability

Being more present

Healthier relationships with self and others

Sense of calmness and inner happiness

And, personal contentment

Even if you feel you are not addicted to your devices but could do with less time with them, try following a few of the steps above and reap the benefits of more time and awareness around you. As with any change to our routine, guide yourself through the change notice how you feel and why and distract yourself with temptation. You may find you have so much more time on your hands and notice things in life so differently you won’t allow the grip to hold you again.

Equally, if you feel your online habits and additions are taking control of you, take this opportunity to speak to your Doctor for extra support and help.

Happy detoxing!